Our Products
Established in the year 1990.We are in the field of Loudspeaker Manufacture for the past 15 years. Our long association with M/s Philips India Ltd. for development and supply of loudspeakers for various applications such as Radios, TV’s, etc. has been our main business.
Range of Speakers
Our main strength is the design development and manufacture of the Voice Coils required for any speaker. Using the latest technology and materials we are able to cater to any coil design requirement. This makes our product extremely reliable and consistent.

It is 7 years since I first Installed these speakers in the most adverse environmental conditions of Khandala. The rainfall and humidity due to fog is extreme. For all these years the speakers have been in the garden and have performed faultlessly. At least twenty other friends have got these speakers in Khandala now. You want a first hand demo you are welcome to visit us at Weekend Cottages in Khandala.
Mr Oberoi
Weekend Cottages
- Our speakers can withstand the most extreme weather conditions.
- These Speakers can be left in the outside , unlike the regular Home Audio Speakers.
- Based in India
- Easy backup
- Complete Technical Support